* Roll No :- 40 Batch :- A2 * BE(Computer) * Date :- ********************** inpost. By scanning th infix expression frm left t right,if w get any oprand, simply dd it to th postfix form, nd for the oprator and parenthesis, dd them in th stack maintaining th precedence of thm.After doing tht Push the scannd operator to th stack.If you encounter parenthesis while popping then stop there and push the scanned operator in the stack.).Eg: a b - d As. But in the postfix notation, we place the operator at the right. *****************************************************/ * Problem Statement :- Assignment To implement a parser to convert infix to postfix expression & write the output to a file named "postfix.txt". The ordinary (infix) way of writing the sum of x and y is with operator in the middle: x y.